Ace Photographer Muhammad Al Naqbi On How to Stop Caring What Other People Think


Ace Photographer Muhammad Al Naqbi On Howto Stop Caring What Other People Think

| May 3, 2021 | Sponsored Post,


When it comes to the world of photography, people can range from pleasant to cutthroat. One of the most important lessons photographers need to learn is that personal feelings come in second place. You have to learn how to work with people even if you do not like them or they do not like you. Separating personal and professional can be as challenging as it is necessary.

A pro-photographer, Muhammad Al Naqbi knows this balancing act very well. After all, a photographer’s reputation has a lot to do with whether he is successful. By all means, you want a strong professional relationship with your clientele, but the key word is professional. When you are part of a project, its success largely depends on you. When it comes to being interactive with your staff and clients, the objective is to be clear. You must strive to be respected professionally.

However, there are times when you have to bring out the best from the people you’re working with. During those times, it’s good to trust your instinct and stop caring about what other people think, says Muhammad Al Naqbi.

A good photographer knows which angles bring out the best portraits, what kind of colors look best against a set backdrop, and so on. It is paramount to make others understand your point and its relevance. Being a professional photographer, you know the nitty-gritties of your job, not others. Therefore, it’s in their best interest if you work as per your might. Be polite, however, take a stand for yourself, concludes Muhammad Al Naqbi.

Photography by: Muhammad Al Naqbi