A successful entrepreneur is an individual who has learned from his/her mentors, peers, and seniors in the industry, and thus accelerated his/her growth and learning on a holistic level. James William Awad is one such entrepreneur who has set up a truly unique business model. He has taken a leaf out of the blockchain model, where the focus is on transparency and decentralization, and founded a company called TripleOne (111).
James William Awad a.k.a. Senior Musician has been a technological genius from the age of 12. He developed his first ever video game at that age but did not know how to sell or promote it. He started as a freelancer at 14 and then launched an online store that sold over 200,000+ products. James William is currently working on TripleOne, a decentralized company based on a concept similar to that of cryptocurrencies and blockchains. The users of TripleOne collaborate to build and manage the whole project independently. No investor or management board interrupts, delays, or approves the projects. This model helps facilitate users to introduce new ideas and vote from them. The mode of payment is not a fixed salary but instead dependent on how much you contribute to the project. Your active involvement and contribution to the project translate into your remuneration.
Senior emphasizes the importance of learning from your peers to broaden your horizon. The flexibility of this model of learning helps you navigate problems effectively. It gives you a different perspective on solutions to your problems. It helps improve communication and teamwork within a project or organization. Furthermore, it aids in developing and planning activities in an efficient manner for a company. It also helps in working collaboratively with other users, giving and receiving feedback, and evaluating our learnings. Every individual has something to teach, and nobody knows everything. The peer-to-peer learning greatly accelerates your success journey as it keeps evolving your outlook.
The TripleOne business model enables users to learn, collaborate, and subtly promote peer-to-peer learning. James William believes that to make it in business in the age of social media, we need to continuously innovate and deliver the best possible service to our clients.