What are some of the ways you empower young women? The question should not be how I empower young women, but what are the tools I can give for young women to empower themselves. That is magic for young women to feel the power to empower themselves.
Do you believe a woman can have it all (whatever that even means...)? First you must identify what your ‘all’ is. I believe young women should set goals and focus on what it will take to achieve those goals, and then work hard toward those goals. Without knowing what your ‘all’ is, it’s impossible to get it. And by the way, that may be a constantly changing and evolving goal, so check in with yourself every once in a while to realign your ‘all.’
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? You must love yourself before you can love others; it is the foundation of your life.
What is your advice to the next generation of ‘women of influence’? Pay it forward! There is a great saying I live by: ‘We rise by lifting others.’ We are all in this world together and if you choose to be mothers, you are raising the next generation of women in this world. You should take this as the most powerful opportunity you will ever have, to have the ability to mentor and nurture another human being to become a self-loving and self-empowered woman. This is obviously for all genders, but this article just happens to be about women.
What is your philanthropy philosophy? Give of your time, your money and your influence as you feel and can. When it comes from your heart, there are no rules or limits.
What is your greatest achievement? Without a doubt my greatest achievement is my family. I live my life in gratitude.